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About the Studio

The Cello Studio of Catherine Mikelson is a small community.  Consisting of somewhere between 12-15 families, the studio is a positive environment where families get to know each other and friendships form. Personal growth is valued over competition.


What to Expect

Students take weekly lessons, practice daily, and participate in studio events such as recitals, group classes, masterclasses and outreach projects.  Students are also encouraged to participate in a local youth orchestras.


Parental support is CRUCIAL for the success of the student. Students pick up on the attitude of the parent, so parents must model that cello is important.  For that reason, a parent/guardian should be present at lessons.  For younger students, that parent should act as the home teacher by helping to lead practice.  For older students, the parent should show their support and appreciation of their child's progress, and to help as needed with gentle reminders.


Please contact Catherine for her current rates.  

If the cost of lessons is outside of your financial ability, please notify Catherine.  Lessons should be accessible and affordable for all children.


Joining the Studio

After you have read this page and the Methods page thoroughly, please contact me for the next steps.  New students begin by observing a lesson and participating in a meet and greet.  


Remember that like any relationship, you want to find a teacher who will be a good fit for your family. Vice versa, I accept families that I feel will be a good fit in my studio.  I look for dedicated families who are committed to the long and fulling journey of learning an instrument.


"It becomes ever more apparent how lucky we are to have you as our teacher. We could not have done better." - K., parent
"The growth my child has demonstrated in his work ethic, resilience, poise in new situations, I believe is directly due to your instruction and the Suzuki Method. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
- N., parent
"I love cello." - G., 6 years old
"Thank you for being so patient and kind."
- D. and S., parents
"Thank you for all of the hard work and inspiration that you give at each lesson.  We appreciate it so much and are thankful for the opportunity for our child to study with you!" - V., parent
"Cello is the best!" - P., 7 years old
"Thank you so much for being such a wonderful teacher! I am so thankful for the improvement I have made because of you.  You're awesome!""
- S., 14 years old
"Best cello teacher ever." - A., 11 years old
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